Why Subscribe?

When launching the Game@Boba’s Subtack, I wanted to come on this platform showcasing and recommending games to those whom might be interested in them. From an industry I been captivated by since childhood while delving into events that been happening in video games good or bad if not downright ugly at times. From the Triple-A studios, small developments teams, to all the way down to one man passion projects.

Not just video games but anything when it comes to entertainment in general. There’s the trading card games for example and many other things I partake in.

I want to show everything the things I’m into has to offered warts and all!

As of this time of getting started from Game@Boba’s, I’ll be mostly writing about video games but will expand once Game@Boba’s is more established.

What you’re getting from me is somebody whom keeping these things honest most of the time. I of course do have some biases as do everybody else but I’m willing to keep them to a minimum.

Game@Boba’s is a publication where you’re getting honestly and respect!

What You’re Getting?

I write at least two posts a month in my spare time at varying lengths. I would one post around 500 words, maybe more than that but at least under 900 words. Another can be over 1000 words with a voiceover to complement it for those who either prefer it or don’t have time for reading. How the posts are distributed throughout the month varies a lot depending on my schedule. The most common patterns you’ll get from me are:

  • The first two weeks of the month

  • One post every two weeks

  • The last two weeks of the month

They can either be two short posts, two posts that are short & long, or two long posts. It all depends but I tried make two posts a month. Might get one post for the entire week however so watch out!

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About one man's many hobbies with his thoughts on them their respective industries. Warts & all with a side of boba tea!


Someone that's love talking about the things he loves in his spare time. Advocate of Single-Player video games Fan of smaller/niche titles and promotes them when he can